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The Loyal Dogs in the world

 According to the article, the loyal dog waited her owner on the road for 80 days. China's Pear website said the dog have been seen in the road everyday sinse its owner died on 21 August. 
 Everyone worried about this dog. Drivers tried to feed food for dog but he went away. There were a deep relationship between the owner and the dog. Everyone said this kind of relationships were so true.
 The video was taken on 10 November and it was shared on Chinese SNS. Users have been commenting on the "loyalty" of the dog.
 But this is not the first devoted dog on China's social media.

Earlier this year, Pear Video users fell hard for an elderly dog who would wait patiently outside a train station for his owner to come home from work.
Xiongxiong the loyal dog
 Japan also had a dog like those. The dog named Hachiko became famous in the 1920s for meeting his owner every day at a railway station. He continued to make the journey nine years after his owner's death.

Question: Is having this kind of relationship between humans and dogs possible? 


  1. Nice article! so interested! I love dogs! sometimes I thought about it. How they could understand us? They are our partners! Once you have their confidence, they will never left you. however, we can have this relationship not only dogs, but also all animals can fit in this.

    I would change one phrase:
    "Everyone worried about this dog. Drivers try to feed food for dog but he went away from them. There were deep relationship between owner and dog. Every one said this kind of relationships were so true."
    Everyone got worried about this dog. Drivers tried to feed him, but he went away from them. there were a deep relationship between owner and dog. Everyone said this kind of relationships were truthful".


  2. Everyone sais this relationship were so true.
    Everyone said this relationship was so truthful.

    I think this kind of relationship is possible, because we treat a dog like a part of my family. We spend a lot of time with dog, so we can make bond with them.

  3. Opinion: The way I see it, I think humans and animals can definitely have a strong connection and build a great, loving relationship. You can see how loyal pets are like with their owners from many of the viral videos on the Internet.

    Grammar: Everyone worried about this dog. Drivers try to feed food for dog but he went away from them. There were deep relationship between owner and dog. Every one said this kind of relationships were so true. = Everyone is worried about this dog. Drivers try to feed the dog but he would always run away from them. There was definitely a deep relationship between the owner and the dog. Everyone said this kind of relationships were genuine.

  4. - this kind of relationship was so real
    - this videos was shooting




Elisa Lam

 In 2013, the body of a young woman was found in a water tank of the Cecil Hotel in Los Angels. Her name was Elisa Lam. The reason why her body had been found was that the guests of the hotel complain about the taste of drinking water. She was floating on the water in the tank.  It seems like just a kind of murder or suicide, but there were weird facts. First of all, generally, the guest of the hotel can't enter the water tank because that is usually locked, and it was necessary to put strong power to open the hatch. It might be impossible for women.  In addition, her movement, which was recorded by a monitoring camera in elevator, was so creepy. Firstly, she pushed many buttons soon after she entered the elevator. Her act was like a deviant because she looked that she was hiding from someone and strangely contorting her limbs. However, there was actually no one without her.  The weirdest fact was the name of medicine which was being created in a laboratory located nearby the ho

Grammer Project

Past Perfect  Past perfect is used to describe something happened in the past and already finished. It is usually used to compare 2 things in the past.  had + p.p. ex) I had studied Korean for 2 years when I started to study English. Present Perfect  Present perfect is used to describe something happened in the past and is still continuing until now.  have/has + p.p. ex) I have studied English for 10 years. Future Perfect  Future perfect is used to describe something will happen in the future and it's easy to expect to be done.  will have + p.p. ex) I will have finished my homework by tomorrow.

Past Models

past modal verbs are used to talk about things that didn't really happen in the past. Could have + p.p. 1. Could have + past participle means that something was possible in the past, or you had the ability to do something in the past, but that you didn't do it. Example  I could have finished my homework but I was lazy. 2. Couldn't have + past participle means that something wasn't possible in the past, even if you had wanted to do it.  Example  I couldn't have gotten the concert ticket of Queen but I really wanted to go. Should have + p.p . 1.Should have + past participle can mean something that would have been a good idea, but that you didn't do it. It's like giving advice about the past when you say it to someone else, or regretting what you did or didn't do when you're talking about yourself. Example   I should have gone to his birthday party. I regret that. 2.Shouldn't have + past participle means that something was